Rolling Review: CBD High Hemp Wraps
I love high hemp wraps as an alternative to blunt wraps because they’re easy to use, plus tobacco is a 🙅🏾♀️ for me. ⠀
High Hemp Wraps CBD+ Reviews
I bought 🍌Banana Punch #6👊🏾 flower a few weeks ago, and after trying it, I knew I’d pick up more anytime I saw it. Last week, I noticed we had the Moroccan Melt (hash) at work (@mocachicago), so I picked that up. I couldn’t help but combine them to multiply the effects that I already love, so yesterday I rolled myself an after-work treat, and it did not disappoint.⠀
To top off the experience, I used @highhempwrap CBD+ wraps, which always feel like a treat after using bowls and papers.
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