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Cultivar Review: Zeclair Blue by Dubz Garden

ZeClair Blue πŸŽ‚πŸ«πŸ“β›½οΈby @dubz_garden

#Joints #element #smokesesh #handrolled #explore #smallbatch

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Dubz Garden

Terpene Profile/Chemovar: Unknown

ZeClair Blue Cannabis Cultivar (“Strain”) Review

zeclair blue by dubz garden strain review by jointswithjalen

ZeClair Blue smells creamy, sweet, and rich with hints of berries, funk, and cake, and undertones of cheese. On the breakdown, you get creamy, cakey, and gassy notes.

The inhale offers a floral, rich, sweet, creamy, and cakey flavor. The exhale provides rich, sweet berries and cake notes with slight hints of cheese and gas in the background .

It tastes like eating a fresh Γ©clair with sweet cream and fresh berries, but with more floral and gassy notes. The high is euphoric, relaxing, clearheaded, and creative.

When smoking, you start to feel pressure in your head, like someone is gently squeezing both sides of your temples.

Then the high moves behind your eyes, making them feel heavy, followed by a tingly sensation in your body that helps relax your muscles and makes it feel airy .

This strain burns clean and smooth. It’s perfect for mid-day to night-time use, ideal for winding down after work or even going on a little adventure.

Overall rating 8.7 out of 10

zeclair blue by dubz garden strain review by jointswithjalen 2.jpeg

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