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Cultivar Review: African Haze #11 by Bronson Farms

#AfricanHaze11 cultivar

Grown by: Bronson Farms @bronsonfarms

Bred by: Top Dawg Seeds @therealtopdawgseeds

Lineage/Genetics – Malawi Gold(Sativa) x JJ’s Nigerian(Nigerian Silk (Nigerian Silk x NL5) )

African Haze #11 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

African Haze 11 by Maine’s @bronsongrows , bred by NY’s own @therealtopdawgseeds. @piffcon #1 award winner for top flower . This is African landraces meeting one of NY’s east coast finest. JJ’ Nigerian Silk which is a cross with Africa’s Nigerian Silk strain with Northern Light 5. The Malawi Gold is another African Strain deriving from the Sativa Plan. The effects is a large level intense cerebral & body high. The high can last about 2 hours. The smell is a pinene tree scent with fumes similar to the Cuban black haze. The palate is woodsy, northern light vibes, herbal landrace aroma. It’s like smoking some good old haze from early 00s.

The time when smokers focused on the high and looks not the ash. The ashes burn like shit, but the inhale is smoother than some white ash smoke 💨 I previously had. The cultivation on this plant is brilliance in magnificent beauty. The nugs have iced out trichomes like a Platinum Selling Rap
artist, amber color stigmas pistils, Guacamole & ice berg lettuce buds. The buds came dense and fresh. My only problem was that it turned off on me a few times. It’s one of those flowers that you need to keep 💨 or it will turn off type of smoke towards the end of the joint . I enjoyed it more for the night smoke, then the wake and bake. The high also had me focus on any task that needed to be completed at the moment. I smoked it on a @rawlife247 organic hemp black papers and then using @gordoscientific rip tip and @elementspapers.

Overall it has the looks, the high, the scent, and I love the palate. It’s not for your typical candy smoker. This is more for that old school Church piff type of smoker . The high is better than Cuban black haze. The only thing that wasn’t memorable is the ashes, beside that It’s one of the best Haze of all time. Shoutout to @therealtopdawgseeds for breeding such a creation.. big shoutout to @bronsonfarms for cultivating such a legendary flower, African Haze 11 – thank you @burlandoelsystema for even considering me to review this .. blessings always .. 4.5/5

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