
What are cannabis diamonds?

You may or may not have seen these THC behemoths before, and a first glance, you might even think they resemble a crack rock! But never fear, tis still our old friend, cannabis.

What are cannabis diamonds? What about THCA diamonds? CBDA diamonds?

what are cannabis diamonds faq by cannaquestions picture by kushectorDiamonds are a super concentrated crystalline form of THCA (see our other post to read about this) and in some cases CBDA. They typically contain a THC range from 70-90%. Because of their sheer potency, experienced users reccomend starting off as using diamonds as a type of mixture, adding them to less potent cannabis buds in your bowl. You can, however, dab these straight, for our more experienced #dabstars

Have you ever tried cannabis Diamonds? Comment your experience below!


Photo cred 📷 @kushector .
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Alejandro Perez is the owner of CannaQuestions, an educational community for cannabis consumers. Find his page on Instagram @cannaquestions, or visit the official website!

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Alejandro Perez is the owner of CannaQuestions, an educational community for cannabis consumers. Find his page on Instagram @cannaquestions, or visit the official website!

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