CaliforniaFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Biscotti-Oti-Oti by CAM

BISCOTTI OTI OTI @camincali_ @camstr007

Lineage/Genetics: BISCOTTI x KUSH MINTS

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: CAM

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Dispensary: CakeHouse Vista @cakehouse_vista

Biscotti-Oti-Oti Strain Review

THC: 34.53% CANNA: 39.64% CBD: 0%
Package date: 12/06/2021


3.69 > 3.50. Cam owns the fat sack game hands down

AROMA- 96.5/100
The volume is cranked on this one. So loud, biscotti cookie cakey creamy hazelnut coffee terps are the lead smell from the outside with sweet skunky bubba kush notes that have a slight mint wrapping it up, but when you break the nug, the gassy rubber terps and skunky gassy kush terps explode with the coffee nut terps getting more hidden. Excellent. STRONG BURNT RUBBER, FLORALS, PINE AFTERGRIND

APPEAL – 95.25/100
3 nug eighth, solid dense nugs, the cure and flush is perfect. Heavy trich action with huge heads giving it the exotic sprinkled look. Insanely moist and sticky! Sappy. Resinous moist silver streaking on a crazy display of all shades of greens and purps, with electric orange pistils in clumps shooting out.

SMOKE & TASTE-92/100
mostly white ash with some pepper. Burned mostly even. Taste was very strong, sweet floral OG gas with a creamy cakey cookie end.

EFFECT- 94.5/100
Very relaxed. Body is relaxed and pain free. Mentally am very baked, with a calming euphoric headband buzz. Very mellow vibes. Eyes low. Chest pressure. Verge of Sleepiness. Couch locked.

POTENCY- 94/100
Very potent, even for me with my high tolerance I got faded quick, proper, and for long duration. The effects to potency ratio leans towards effects but both are strong.

loud af, sticky af, frosty af, tasty af, potent af. Checked all boxes in major ways! CAM NAILED IT AGAIN !This wasn’t part of the gift box, I got it at cake house the best new dispo in vista!

Tier? (1-4): #1

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