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Strain Review: Super Pure Runtz by Pressure Pack


Super Pure Runtz, by Pressure Pack

Starting on a different trek with the fire around the Dirty Glove. I present to y’all one of the STRONGEST smelling strains I’ve come across lately. When I first came across Super Pure Runtz a few years back when they first started, I was not impressed. But that isn’t always the expectation with certain brands, allow them the right time and their craft will be damn near perfect. Super Pure Runtz was one of those diamonds in the rough, that with the right timing, came out to surpass any and all bad expectations. I will definitely say that this flower should make its way as a 2024 strain of the year especially for Pressure Pack.

Bred by: Pressure Pack (@pressurepack.michigan)

Grown by: House Brands

Genetics: Unknown

Taste: 8.5/10; It wouldn’t taste like Runtz if it were called Super Pure Runtz, right? It tasted like a general Runtz, with an extra KICK to it. It didn’t stray away from the taste, and I feel that Pressure Pack upped the ante on this batch. The candy and gas terpenes blew my mind. The texture I’d compare the grow of this is similar to Platinum Girl Scout Cookie. Tightly packed, not fuzzy but more crystalline and smelt strong as FUCK. Made me sneeze and that says a lot, not only is the appeal visually with the bag and flower, but smell is so critical to the appeal of the Super Pure Runtz. I was mainly sold off of the budtender’s recommendation and the smell, which brought even a stronger rapport with the brand for me.


The tightly packed buds and crystals made this an interesting and unique capture.

Smoke: 9.5/10; After trying Kashlato, then trying Super Runtz, I was not expecting it to be stronger, however it blew expectations. Quite a choker to the point where if you have lungs of steel, they will be dented I promise you. Ranging over 30% on Runtz is CRAAAAZY, but I can promise you that the numbers really match up on this. Heavy on the nighttime smoke, for sure. If you don’t care about a smoke that’s as tasty but really will knock you out on your ass, I would highly recommend this. Pressure Pack is really changing the game and keep an eye out on their rebranding and upcoming strains! I promise I have a lot more in store for you all.



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One thought on “Strain Review: Super Pure Runtz by Pressure Pack

  • Phil

    Straight ⛽️ good review 🔥🔥🔥


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