The MLB finally removed marijuana from their banned substances list
Happy Tuesday! Here’s some CannaNews about Major League Baseball (MLB) and marijuana from @marijuanamoment to kick off your day!πΏπ¨
According to MarijuanaMoment:
“The MLB along with the MLB Players Union, announced in December that they have reached an agreement to remove cannabis from the list of banned substances.”
Marijuana removed from MLB list of banned substances
If you haven’t realized, this is a HUGE step towards ending the cannabis stigma. Many sports agencies have, for the longest time, demonized cannabis use by penalizing athletes for their consumption. Moving forward in MLB policy, cannabis will be treated the same as alcohol, and they will start testing players for opioid and cocaine use. What I found super interesting as well, is that treatment will be offered to players suffering from drug addiction, before they are penalized for it.
I think 2020 is going to be a big year for change in the cannabis community! What do you think? let me know in the comments!
Read the full article at
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Alejandro Perez is the owner of CannaQuestions, an educational community for cannabis consumers. Find his page on Instagram @cannaquestions, or visit the official website!