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CBD Review: Sour Space Candy Pre-roll by fénix flowers

This Sour Space Candy preroll from @seefenix pleasantly surprised me. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m skeptical of CBD and the mass marketing of its myriad effects 🙄. When I consume CBD, I usually like it with THC because the Entourage Effect is real. That said, when I got this preroll I was wholly prepared to be disappointed and feel nothing, but my experience was the complete opposite. ⁠

Grower: fénix flowers

Sour Space Candy Pre-roll Review

The fruity flavor combined with the relaxing effects made me a CBD believer. It only took a few inhales for the effects to kick in and when they did, I could feel the tension leaving my face and head. My anxiety, which had been pestering me all day, was at ease and I felt a general calmness. I’m really glad to have found a CBD product that works for me and I hope to find more in the coming months. ⁠⠀
Have you tried CBD flower?⁠⠀
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