Concentrate Review: Garlic Juice Rosin by Kalya Extracts
Garlic Juice Rosin! (#GMO x #Papaya)
@kalyaextracts + @dancingdogranch
Lineage/genetics: GMO x Papaya
Original Breeder: Oni Seed Co.
Grower: Dancing Dog Ranch
Processor: Kalya Extracts

Garlic Juice Rosin Review
Super Delicious, and clean! OMG guys this one is super unique. #Emeraldcup winner of 2019, Kalya extracts and Dancing Dog Ranch, really put some effort into 🔥. Really has the taste of garlic, with a potent heavy hitter effect. Great for major depression patients such as myself. Definitely makes you crave some food! #stonerscircle #stoned #marijuana #cannabis #weed #stoner #high #highlife #ganja #maryjane #thc #marijuanagram #weedlife #smoke #stonernation #quality #highsociety #hightimes #pot #bud #medicalmarijuana #pothead #freetheweed #smokingweed #strains #weedstagram #mmjCheck out more reviews by @herbtwist on Instagram! (