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Concentrate Review: LA Chocolat Budder by gLeaf

In honor of #selfcare Sunday, I am relaxing with some LA Chocolat budder and #chocolate! 🍫😍🤤

Lineage/Genetics: LA Confidential x Chocolope

Original Breeder: DNA Genetics

Processor: gLeaf Extracts

LA Chocolat Budder Review

Chocolate is a girl’s best friend in all forms!

Today, I am dabbing some LA Chocolat budder to keep some emotional and physical #symptoms away. 👊 I’m also snacking on some #chocolatechips to improve my mental state. They say chocolate can be good for you in small quantities.

What are you doing to #unwind today?

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I am a chronic pain warrior and cannabis patient looking to spread happiness and wellness by educating others on the benefits of using medical marijuana. To do this, I plan to provide articles, strain reviews, tech reviews, entertainment, and more! Let's take the journey to peace and wellness together with the help of this magical plant.

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I am a chronic pain warrior and cannabis patient looking to spread happiness and wellness by educating others on the benefits of using medical marijuana. To do this, I plan to provide articles, strain reviews, tech reviews, entertainment, and more! Let's take the journey to peace and wellness together with the help of this magical plant.

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