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Concentrate Review: Peanut Butter Breath Hash by hashwarrior

Peanut Butter Breath 🥜⛽️🌲🍋🍪🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ from hashwarrior.

Lineage/Genetics: Do-si-dos x Mendo Breath F2

Original Breeder: ThugPug Genetics

Processor: hashwarrior

Peanut Butter Breath Hash Review

peanut butter breath hash by hashwarrior concentrate review by jean_roulin_420Mad hash porn going on here sheeeeeesssh 🥰 Coming like a proper marron glacé, turrón, caramel fudge or whatever delightful look alike treat you can think of 😍😍 Definitely the sexiest block of dry sifted resin I’ve ever seen.

Guess what ? The aromas & flavours are as mouthwatering as it looks. A doughy/cookie/hashy base meet sour lemon & gas. Definitely feeling some strong OG/cookies presence & I love that ❤️

The effects of this one are really heavy. Disorienting narcotic headrush that quickly waves through your entire body & leaves you completely couchlocked with the munchies not far away🚀🚀 Euphoric, debilitating, sedating indica hybrid goodness for days !

#hashreview #hashreviews #hashporn #hash4champions #420 #hashwarrior #cannabiscommunity #drysift #hashish4breakfast #cannabisculture

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French cannabis lover, that became hooked when first growing OG & Haze in high school.

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French cannabis lover, that became hooked when first growing OG & Haze in high school.

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