Concentrate Review: Space Bomb Snow by Blue River Terps
There was a bit of snowfall in the sunshine state this Tuesday!❄️Still have yet to try Space Bomb flower from @trulieve_fl but holy cow is this stuff intense!!!
Space Bomb Snow (Rosin THCa Isolate Powder) Concentrate Review
Such a unique body buzz that this snow gives you! So potent, yet no super in-your-head feelings at all! Mostly made up of thca with trace amounts of thc, terpenes, and other cannabinoids; @blueriverterps made this space bomb snow – isolated thca powder from their rosin using absolutely no solvents whatsoever, allowing for a smooth and enjoyable experience that rewards you with a fantastic, medicated feeling❄️❄️❄️ Not much smell to it which is expected, but you can definitely taste the strain-specific terps. First time buying @blueriverterps products and I’ll be picking more up ASAP!🔥❄️
THC: 99.9%
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