Strain Review: Velvet Glove from Rise Cannabis
This Velvet Glove strain from @rise.cannabis is nuts. 🤯
Lineage/Genetics: GMO x Nookies
Original Breeder: Swamp Boy Seeds
Grower: Rythm
Dispensary: Rise Cannabis
You can definitely smell the limonene and caryophyllene as well as myrcene of course, but wow does it smell like a family of skunks set up shop in your house as soon as you open it. 🤤
The physical and cerebral relaxation from this strain is quite soothing and I’m so glad to have finally grabbed some after hearing all the good feedback. I’ve always had a feeling the skunkiness to a strain meant something more; that terpenes could only play so big of a role in the flavor and smells of different cultivars. @strain_games enlightened me as to what thiols are and that they’re contained in this and other skunky, gassy strains like Darth Revan that give them their unique profiles. Go check out his page for quality content and reviews!
THC: 29.3%
CBG: 0.2%
CBGA: 0.8%
THC9: 1.1%
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Velvet Glove Strain Review

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