Cultivar Review: AppleScotti by Preferred Gardens
#AppleScotti by @preferred_gardens
Assist by @fountain_of_love7
Lineage/Genetics – Apple n banana x Biscotti
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Preferred Gardens
Terpene Profile: Unknown

Grower: Preferred Gardens Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
I heard about @preferred_gardens recommendation from @fountain_of_love7 x @167exotics. @preferred_gardens is know for indoor and mixed light methods of cultivation. Applescotti is the blend of two legendary cultivars, Apple N Banana & one of the most beloved biscotti. The scent is a mix of floral musky, sweet gelato biscotti spice caryophyllene terps, blend with animal cookies pungent aroma from the Apple n banana . The nugs were medium dense flower buds. The structure is a blend of both apple and scotti. The kola shaped is biscotti with hues and pistils of the anb. The taste is on a blend of anb sour apple with the pungent pastry dough of biscotti’s gelato after taste. It’s like having an apple danish . The effects are medium level cerebral high. The first sesh had me high for like an hour. The second session had me ultimate high. The third session this morning gave me a heady high, followed by a euphoric body high. I had it for a first smoke of the day in the evening. I took a tolerance break during the day, due to fall seasonal allergies 🤧. Overall the effects can last about 2 hours, I started feeling the buzz about 8-9 pulls in . In conclusion the Apple 🍏 Scotti 🥖 has the flavor, effect and appearance. The mixed light method of cultivation gives this flower great vibes and worth the try. Shoutout to @fountain_of_love7 for putting me on . Apple Scotti – 4.5/5 . . . . . #weedreview #notforsale #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #highsociety #stonerlifestyle #stonersociety #weedsmokers #smokingweed #cannabislove #cannabisconnoisseurscoalition #cannabislifestyle #cannabisconnoisseurconnection #420culture #cannabisgrow #cannabiscures
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