Cultivar Review: Chelemon Tree by Sisu NYC
Chelemon Tree by @sisu_nyc
Lineage/Genetics – Lemon Tree x chemdog
Original Breeder – People Under the Stairs Genetics @peopleunderthestairsgenetics3
Cultivated in 🗽 by Sisu NYC
Terpene Profile: Unknown
My stoner bro @robbreefa put me on to a new, up and coming cultivator from New York called @sisu_nyc . Chlemon Tree 🌲 imo had one of the best nose and structure from @sisu_nyc lineup. I am also a sucker for love on the Lemon terps and Lemon Tree crosses. Chlemon Tree is for sure Lemon 🍋 Tree 🌳 x one of my favorites Chem . The aroma of a citrus gas, mixed with pinene, giving it a Chem fuel lemon 🍋 scents. Lemon tree dominant Chlemon Tree brings out the best of the limonene terps, giving me a Lemon Bean, Gelonade type of vibes. It was cultivated on living soil. The palate consist of humulene, earthy , lemon citrus on the after taste. The effects result in an average onset, 7/8 pulls to feel the buzz. The intake is smooth, on the inhale and exhale on @vibespapers resulting in a 60/40 more salt than pepper. I also smoked them on elements and started at 60/40 more salt than pepper ending at 50/50 with a slight harshness on the intake . The high lasted about 1.5 – 2 hrs. In conclusion, @sisu_nyc first impression gets by on my watch. I like the appeal, nose and palate are the highlights. The effects weren’t as long lasting as other lemon trees, but still relaxing. The burn wasn’t too good on elements, but smooth on the vibes papers. Overall @sisu_nyc version Chlemon Tree is worth the try . Shoutout to @robbreefa for putting me on. Chlemon Tree – 3.5/5
Letmeseewhatusmokin Ratings
5- perfect smoke, appeal, effects, nose & palate
4.9- 4.5 —- close to perfect but not quite/
4.5-4- good but not close to perfect
4-3.5 — reasonable for ticket – room for improvement
3.5 – 3 – still reasonable, might be attracted by two – three things on the cultivar ..
3- 2.5 – needs work work work – (Rihanna voice)
2.5 – 2 – 1 — needs to be revamped or probably should be cut off

Chelemon Tree Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Check out more reviews by @lms1__186 on Instagram and Social Club! ( Also for the backup.
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