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Cultivar Review: Cherry Dawg by Cure DC

Cherry dawg (chem 91 x cherry pie) by @cure.dc

Lineage/Genetics: Chem 91 x Cherry Pie

Original Breeder: Unknown

Brand: Cure DC

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Cherry Dawg Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Reefa rating:
Smell- ✅

Man when I opened the jar on this it’s like the world got silent and the only thing I could hear was how loud this was. I mean the incredible citrus diesel like aroma with faint berry undertone and sticky trichs on medium buds had me in aw. It’s crazy cuz before I even opened it, @cure.dc was telling me the cross and I was like damn that sounds like some fire,,,I was right. Now I wouldn’t pack your grinder with too much when crushing cuz it’s deff gonna lock it up, use only a couple pieces at a time. Being how sticky it was, it made for a fairly easy roll. So I lit it up and took a pull, off rip o was getting a heavy menthol disel like aroma and slight citrus on the exhale. What I thought was dope was it kept it’s flavor thru the whole joint! Smooth enjoyable smoke💯
Do y’all selves a favor and holla @cure.dc

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