Cultivar Review: Cherry Runtz by Doja Exclusive
‘Cherry Runtz’ / 🍒🍬
Lineage/Genetics: (Runtz x Cherry Pie)
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Doja Exclusive
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Cherry Runtz Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Good afternoon and a very happy Friday-Highday to all you beautiful people out there! I hope everyones week has gone well and that you’re all staying blessed and baked ✌🏻 Today we have a simply delicious and very exclusive bit of flower from the ever popular @doja.pak – ‘Cherry Runtz’. This nicely balanced hybrid leans slightly toward the Indica side of the spectrum and packs a boatload of flavour we well as a punchy high.
Straight off the bat once I opened the pack I was hit by some serious Runtz terps right on the nose. The aroma had notes of sweet sugary candy and hints of slightly fruity powdered milk and citrus. There were definitely some mild cherry notes there also; buried nicely in the dank and sweet aroma. The notes on the dry pull were almost identical to that of the aroma – however on the palate the sweet and sugary Runtz characteristics certainly took the centre stage.
There was so much depth to the aroma and flavour on this flower – definitely one of the loudest takes on a Runtz cross I’ve ever had. After eagerly sparking up my joint and taking a few tokes I felt my mouth get filled with a pungent and very Runtz heavy. The sugary candy notes were accompanied by some mild hints of tropical fruits and a slight touch of tart Cherry notes on the backend. This complex and moreish flavour maintained nicely with a smooth and consistent burn throughout 👌🏻
Towards the end of the joint I began tasting some mild notes of gas on the exhale along with some slight kush influences and a hint of spice. This rounded off and complimented those already prominent sweeter, brighter notes very nicely; adding to the sheer depth of the flavour. I have to say this was hands down one of the best tasting, if not THE best tasting Runtz crosses I’ve ever had. The team behind this one really knocked the terps right out of the park for me 🏆
The effects were pretty heavy and rather quick to set in – I initially had a bit of a head rush with some euphoria not far into the joint. This was shortly followed by a deep stoned sensation that spread through my body leaving me calm and focused. Not too long after finishing my joint I began to feel a bit sedated and relaxed all over – definitely in the mood to not do much at all! I’d say that this strain is certainly enjoyable for a daytime sesh amongst the more experienced smokers amongst you, otherwise it may be best left for the evening!
Overall I must say that this was easily one of the best packs I’ve ever copped by @doja.pak – it ticked all the right boxes for me in ways of both terps and effects. It was an all round pretty perfect smoke for me, not to mention an outstanding Runtz cross, and I highly recommend getting your hands on some if you can! 🔥
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