Cannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsMarijuanaReviewsStrainsWashington, D.C.

Cultivar Review: Daywrecker by Dorsia

Daywrecker #daywrecker by @dorsia_dc2

Lineage/Genetics: specialized chem 91 seed x headband

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Unknown

Brand: Dorsia @dorsia_dc2

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Daywrecker Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

The daywrecker will wreck your day or night. East coast classic cultivar with landraces and vintage strains making its 🧬 . When I met with dorsia dc, one thing he said that daywrecker “I can smoke 💨 this all day “. He’s absolutely right, Daywrecker has this high octane fuel, sour , pine lemon rubber palate. It also has that old school chem/ sour diesel strength. The high is heavy high level, euphoric vibes . The first time I tried I didn’t feel it’s effects as I wanted , since I was outdoor freezing 🥶 .

The second time around I smoked it indoor and really seen the benefits and effects of this daywrecker. It has a great body high. It will have you stuck feeling like 2005 smoking that sour. The scent is a blend of diesel, skunk, earthy, can stink a whole store. The nugs were a bit dry, still fresh after the grind. The Mylar came with medium size nugs. The colors of nugs show Nacho Doritos orange pistils,green apple 🍏 sour straws color hues, top it up with a chartreuse green on the buds .

It gave me a delightful high had me feeling smack for about 2-3 hours. The only con is the story of the ashes. It burn more peppery than salt. It’s like the Albariño, taste good, smell good, great high, but the burn is soso . Overall it’s worth the try especially because of the old school lineages and the effects. 4.7/5

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