Cultivar Review: Garlic Budder by Down Om Farms
@downomfarms has earned the enviable score of 92 (Super Dank!) with their first ever Maven Rated entry; Garlic Budder!
Linegae/Genetics: GMO x Fortune Cookies
Original Breeder: Humboldt Seed Co
Grower: Down Om Farms
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Garlic Budder Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Garlic Budder: Bred by @thehumboldtseedsco , it is a cross of GMO and Fortune Cookies. For starters, we found that the bud maturity, trichome integrity and cure were all very good. It’s particularly impressive for early December, which is when we started assessing this sample.
This pheno of Garlic Budder boasts a broad spectrum of earth, fuel, fruit and floral aromas, giving it a rare level of complexity. Once ground, there’s a seamless integration of garlic, pine, citrus, cleaning solvent, pepper and white floral notes.
On the palate, we experienced and invigorating and complex profile consisting of pine, lemon and menthol cough drops on the dry hit and first smoke. Rubber, lime and dough stay until the very end.
The experience is actually where this rates highest for some of us. Our assessment panel found this to be a mentally and physically stimulating strain. The kind of thing that’s much more energizing than impairing. None of us felt it was racy or jittery, though. If you consider the lineage, it’s no surprise that this is a very balanced cultivar. This selection in particular is something special.
Congratulations #downomfarms and thank you for your hard work and intentions in letting the expression of this cultivar be the star. 🙏🏼
For educational purposes only, nothing for sale or trade.

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