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Cultivar Review: LCG by John Doe Supply Co.

#LCG by x @johndoesupply.co_

Lineage/Genetics – GSC x Sunset Sherb

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: John Doe Supply Co.

Terpene Profile: Unknown

LCG Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review comes back with the infamous love and hate Lemon 🍋 Cherry 🍒 Gelato 🍧. I like the Kamikaze and wanted to to try their LCG. I heard good things about this cultivar from some of the stoner bros in the community. The nugs came in an exclusive clear Mylar bag mixing the new with the past.

The nugs were mediums and small size buds. The nose is fruity, LCG/Runtz Musky sweet aroma . The palate is a sweet candy Limonene infused, floral spicy caryophyllene, gassy earthy humulene. The effects are medium level cerebral high, intense headiness for about an 1hr. The buzz starts around 3-4 pulls in, overall total high for close to 2hrs. The smoking experience is remarkable due to the clean 💨. The ashes burned 90/10 on the blazing Suzan and 80/20 on the vibes papers.

Overall this small batch LCG is worth the try. Yes, I know you probably asking what’s the difference from the rest ? Truth is it smokes superb for the ticket and was well cultivated. #johndoesupplyco LCG checks on the smoke experience, effects, smell, nose & appeal.

I say even anti LCG smokers should try this to see why the LCG is one of the most influential cultivars of the cannabis industry. Big shoutout to for mastering the craft of getting good candy cultivars… shoutout to @sourcatjack @167exotics @167tu_exotics …LCG— 5/5
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