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Cultivar Review: Puffport by Joke’s Up

#puffport @jet_flozo x @paydgenetics
genetics 🧬 @jokesupexotix – assisted by
Lineage – ??? Possibly LCG/Runtz Family..

Original Breeder: Unknown

Brand: Joke’s Up x Payd Genetics x Jet Flozo

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Puffport Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

I took a Flight ✈️ using the Puffport by @jet_flozo x @paydgenetics x 🧬 by @jokesupexotix . The taste is creamy, detergent , 🍋 cherry 🍒 after taste. The scent is earthy, sweet candy terps remind me of LCG/ Runtz family. The highlight of this cultivar is the exclusive packaging. The Mylar is designed as a passport. I open the passport and the flower is shown as the picture. One of the most creative bags In my smoking experience. Beside the bag, The effects are mid level cerebral high, low body high. I started feeling it creep 🆙 around 7 pulls in . The smoke 💨 burns smooth on the 😮‍💨. The ashes burn more salt than pepper. The nugs came dense, fresh buds. It’s a collection of colors, some nugs had a mix of purple & light green. The rest of the buds had a lime green & basil appearance. It’s a good smoke for the munchies and after the munchies. It goes great with a nice salad and salmon. The high sets in nice after the smoke, eyes low, body calmness. Overall is a good, highly recommended smoke 💨. I suggest to smoke it as the first high of the day to feel it’s euphoric effects and enjoy the taste and aroma. The high lasted about 2 hours. Puffport has the exclusive bag and world class cannabis. 4.7/5

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