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Cultivar Review: Pure Michigan by Got Gutz

#PureMichigan – by @gutzfarms x @got_gutz

Lineage/Genetics – Oreoz x Mendo Breath

Bred by: ThugPug Genetics x 3rd Coast Genetics @_thugpuggenetics x @3rdcoastgenetics

Grower: Got Gutz

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Got Gutz Pure Michigan Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Pure Michigan is the collaboration of two Michigan cultivators, crossing Oreoz & one of my favorites Mendo Breath. The flower nugs arrived fresh, fluffy nugs 🍃, floral essences. Parsley 🌿 & Cilatro color leaves and hues, sea salt color trichomes, sun dried tomatoes color pistils. The scent is herbal, musky, lemon tree aroma, not the type to empty out a room. The palate is oreoz’s cookies and cream with the fuel after taste of the Mendo breath. It’s like a blend of honey, chocolate, woody, fuel. The effects are a medium cerebral & low body high. The buzz starts around 10-11 pulls in. It’s the type of smoke that get you nice after the sesh. The smoking experience led to a smooth inhale and 😮‍💨, 60/40 more pepper than salt. This proves that some peppery ash can still be smooth instead of the assumption of always being harsh. The heady intensity high can last about 30 mins. Overall high can last about an hour . This Pure Michigan is the perfect wake n bake 💨. It’s not a crazy high, controlled ready to work type of effects. PM is also good to sustain or build appetite depending on the person. I say this because sometimes certain flowers don’t give me the munchies, instead I am able to be high while fasting with no hunger . Pure Michigan, ✅ on the appeal, scent, taste. The effects and smoke can dialed in better on the next drive. Pure Michigan – 3/5
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