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Cultivar Review: Runtz x Sherb Bx by Doja Exclusive

Runtz x Sherb Bx #runtz x #SherbBx by @doja.pak x @doja.ek.916 #dojagang

Lineage/Genetics – (Z x Gelato) x (Sherbert x GSC(F2))

Original Breeder/Grower: Doja Exclusive

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Runtz x Sherb Bx Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review


Runtz x Sherb BX, two of the west coast most famous strains from the past 5 years.

Runtz is an illustrious Z x Gelato cross & Sunset x GSC f2 two extraordinary cultivars that have been iconic in the cannabis industry.

Doja Pak @doja.pak – as always – finds a way to put the best in his brand infamous #dojapak bags. The structures illustrates a blend of both Runtz & sherb bx. It taste more like Sherb bx and looks more like Runtz.

This combination is a mix of candy taste & scents , pungent pastry & cookie dough, earthy palate. The effects are medium level cerebral high, low body high. This flower is great for sleep 💤. I don’t recommend in the day time,especially if you didn’t sleep well the night before.

My eyes felt low with euphoric vibes to enjoy the smoking experience. The ashes burn salt and pepper. It starts more salt at first, ending mix colors towards end of the sesh.

The buzz starts around 6-7 pulls in, high can last about 2 hours. Unfortunately this will be the last time this flower will be run, word from doja. If you see it in your 🔌 menu, give it a try considering be the last time you see this on a doja bag.

Overall it has the 👃, the appeal & decent effects. It’s nothing too special but it’s worth the try.

Runtz x Sherb BX – 3.8/5
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Glorious by @cormega x @nas

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