Cannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrainsWashington, D.C.

Cultivar Review: Secret Cookies by Dorsia

Secret Cookies #secretcookies by @dorsia_dc2
Lineage – Cherry Pie x Kush Mints #11

Originally bred by: Seed Junky Genetics @seedjunkygenetics_jbeezy

Grower: Unknown

Brand: Dorsia

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Dorsia Secret Cookies Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Secret cookies 🍪 from the exclusive nyc 🗽 drop by @dorsia_dc2 .. cherry 🍒 pie🥧 & the legendary @seedjunkycrew Kush mints 11 makes this acclaimed cultivar. I read that secret cookies had a classified lineage for a long time till recent crosses with GSCx cherry pie or Kush mints 11 x ??? .. Dorsia DC blessed me with a nice sample to review. First and foremost, it lives up to the hype. The high is mid level cerebral in the first 3-4 pulls. It sets to a heavy level sedated high after smoking – 10 min later. I also felt a nice body high. I couldn’t move from my bed for like 2 hours binging “Jessica Jones” on Netflix. The smell is a sweet cherry , pine Mint , diesel fuel scent. It’s like smelling some Fruity Altoids mints. The palate is terp flavors of the cherry pie with the after smoke of the Kush mints. The nugs were fresh, sticky, leaving residue on the top level of the grinder. The Usual dry herb goes directly to the second level of the grinder . The design of this cultivar is splash with crystallize trichomes on basil 🌿 green buds, mango color pistils with hints of red cabbage hues. The ashes burn more salt than pepper. It has a smooth sweet 🍒 taste, ⛽️ on 😮‍💨 , minty after taste. Overall it’s a keeper, secret cookies has the distinctive palate and aroma. I hope to see more in the future. I highly recommended. It’s the all day all night smoke. It will keep you focus and relaxed, not much of the munchies. The duration of the high 2-3 hours.. watch the entire Super Bowl stuck on that secret 🤫 🍪 high.. 5/5 ..

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