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Cultivar Review: Sour Afghan by Heartrock Mountain Farm

Meeting Daniel from Heartrock Mountain Farm was one of the highlights of my Emerald Cup Harvest Ball experience. He introduced me to heirloom cultivars that I had never heard of before including this Sour Afghan which is a Potter Valley heirloom.

Lineage/Genetics: BBnl5 / Afghan x mexican / South American x Sour diesel

Original Breeder: Potter Valley heirloom

Grower: Heartrock Mountain Farm

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Sour Afghan Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

sour afghan by heartrock mountain farms strain review by caleb chenThese nugs are big but not thick. Airy, and very well trimmed.

The sour on this is not citrus – rather it’s that of a sour goat’s milk. Lightly funky, definitely sour. Behind that are the earthy and peppery components of the stereotypical kush earth must. Not the first thing that you’d think of ingesting but trust it’s from a good source.

This heirloom cultivar has a notably unique high.

Taste is fresh and almost feels cooling in the mouth with a minty, herby, peppery punch to the throat.

A level outter of a high. It’s a space elevator of a high. You’re instantly teleported to a whole notha level to contemplate with a bird’s eye view.

Incredibly chill and mellow in the body. Still active in the mind. Two track high at least.

Great to mix with other cultivars.

The feeling of zen in my body is like discovering that i’m taking deep breaths without consciously having to do them.

Great cultivar for the medicine cabinet.

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Founder of The Highest Critic
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Certified Ganjier
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Caleb Chen

Founder of The Highest Critic Unpaid /r/trees mod Certified Ganjier Kine bud enthusiast

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