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Cultivar Review: Sour Diesel by Bronson Farms

#SourDiesel by @bronsonfarms

Lineage/Genetics – Original Diesel x DNL( Albany/ Sherpa cut) ?? ( ChemDog x Master Skunk) ??

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Bronson Farms

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Bronson Farms Sour Diesel Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Since I am still high of the Sour Fest less go back to back on another Sour review. @bronsonfarms comes back with his version of the often imitated, beloved cultivar. I was truly impressed with the African 11 and now I got lucky to get a piece of Bronson’s own Sour. The structure is a small nugs and medium size size to complete the g.

The appeal remind me of the og sour from back in the day. The pear color buds, butternut squash color pistils. The scent is a strong skunk 🦨 diesel odor that can bother the neighbors. The palate is woody, pinene light fuel, zesty pepper. The effects are heavy intense cerebral high. I started feeling the buzz 3-4 pulls in. The ashes burned 50-50 remind me of the og burn from back in the day, when we weren’t concern with the color of the ash .

The inhale and exhale 😮‍💨 consist of harsh fuel smooth pinene intake. The difference between Bronson’s Sour diesel and Piff coast is that Bronson is heavy on the skunk and piff coast heavy on the citrus karma bx biker Kush. Overall the high, appeal and scent remind me of the Sour from early 00s. I was high for 3 hrs and a nice euphoric body high. I was working and never felt couch locked, but did feel the chest lock. I also had the munchies but was able to control my appetite.

Bronson’s Sour is worth the try and another close cultivar to the long lost legendary flower. This sour is the closest as far as scent, appeal, taste and effects. Big shoutout to @bronsonfarms for mastering the craft of cultivating legendary flowers, African 11 -5/5 — Sour Diesel — 5/5
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