Cultivar Review: Sweet N Sour by Sensei Cult
#sweetnsour by @sensei_cult
Lineage – sour bag seed
Bred – unknown
Grower: Sensei Cult
Terpene Profile: Unknown

Sweet N Sour Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
@sensei_cult has been on a hunt to find the perfect back in the day sour. I reviewed his sour from like 2 years back and it was superb. This time around I got the chance to try the Sweet N Sour. This is not your typical Chinese cuisine or dip. This sensei’s creation of a regular unknow sour bag seed. This sweet n sour is cultivated in NY, beauty in the appeal. It remind me of that karma bx Sour on the appeal. Pear and moss green leaves and buds, butternut squash pistils, sprinkle from the trichome fairy, makes this Sweet and Sour an Art 🖼️ piece. The scent brings out a pinene, lemon citrus, light diesel 💨 aroma stronger after the grind. The palate on sweet n sour reflects with the name and a woody fuel aftertaste. I tasted the sweetness with a sour tart after taste . The effects is a medium low level cerebral high. The headiness intensity can last about half an hour. The effects start around 10-11 pulls in, overall high for about 1hr. The smoking experience is an enjoyable one, smooth on the inhale with limonene and peppery fuel caryophyllene on the exhale . The ashes burned 50/50 on both elements & raw organic black paper. One of the highlights is the smoothness on the burn even with a dirty ash. My only con is the short term high, overall still worth the try recommend during the day to enjoy the benefits. Shoutout to @sensei_cult for his dedication towards the art of cultivation. Sweet N sour – 3/5 . . . . . . . #weedreview #notforsale #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #highsociety #stonerlifestyle #stonersociety #weedsmokers #smokingweed #cannabislove #cannabisconnoisseurscoalition #cannabislifestyle #cannabisconnoisseurconnection #420culture #cannabisgrow #cannabiscures #cannabisreviews #weedreviews #letmeseewhatusmokin #cannabisconnoisseurgenetics #weedgram #cannabisconnoisseur👌 #cannabisindustry #weedsociety
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