Cultivar Review: Wipe Out by Connected Cannabis Co.
#wipeout by @connected.california
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Connected Cannabis Co.
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Wipe Out Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
@caseyhonigmusic x @skeemxcream7 🙏🏽
It’s been a long time since I’ve review @connected.california. They are one of the big brands that at one point they were 💯 an 🎱 in 🗽 . This time I get to try Wipeout. Dosidos & Gelato 41 cross makes the connected Wipeout.
The appeal gets a 5/5 from the jump, an extravagant structure. The violet hues, kosher salt color trichomes, bay leaves color buds. It’s some fine art of a cultivar . One side taking the gelato 41 resemblance and the other darker color buds looking like the Dosidos.
The palate is dominated by the sweetness of the dosidos sweet & sour and earthiness fuel of the 41. The scent is a pungent fruity, musky gelato fuel aroma. The effects are medium cerebral high, buzz starts around 10-11 pulls in. It’s definitely a creeper high, catching me off guard. The ashes burned 60/40 on the elements, 50/50 on the vibes. The smoking experience is smooth on the inhale leaving a trail of fuel on the exhale 😮💨. My only con is that the high is not potent enough. The taste, nose, appeal is there. The overall high can last an 1hr 10 min. It’s not my favorite cup of tea, but still enjoy the experience. This is my second time reviewing a connected cultivar with the looks but not too much of the potency. First one was the pantera limonene & now the wipeout . Wipeout – 3/5
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