Cultivar Review: Wizard OG by Wizard Trees
#wizardog by @wizardtreez x @wizard_trees
Lineage/Genetics – Skywalker OG
Cultivated in Los Ángeles, CA
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Wizard Trees
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Wizard OG Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
@wizardtreez been putting on for the west coast for a hot minute. From their collaboration with Deo Farms, Doja Pak & Fiya Farmer, wizard has been consistently dropping classic cultivars. This time around I get to try their version on the OG Kush. Wizard OG is one of the staples flavor on the @wizard_trees lineup. This OG derives from Skywalker OG, pheno of the legendary OG Kush. The new packaging comes a long way from the Mylar bag. The Wizard OG came in a purple oval jar . The whole presentation is unique, especially the new innovative jar and box. The structure of the nugs, resembles the familiar Og Kush texture. The aroma derives from an earthy, floral, gas ⛽️, bringing out that original LA Kush chronic scent. The palate is a pinene 🌲, slight lime on the after taste . I also tasted a Smokey oak, og dank flavors on the intake . The smoke 💨 experience consist of chest locking, og fuel, caryophyllene spice on the inhale and exhale 😮💨. The effects resulted in an immediate onset, heavy euphoric level high. The buzz is felt 6- 7 pulls in. The overall high can last about 2 hrs. The ashes report came in at a 60/40 more salt than pepper, turned into 50/50. In conclusion, Wizard OG is great on the appeal, effects, nose & palate. It took me back to the essence of Og with a bit of wizard 🧙 touch to spice it up. Overall is worth the try, especially if you’re into wizard trees work. Wizard OG – 4/5
Letmeseewhatusmokin Ratings
5- perfect smoke, appeal, effects, nose & palate
4.9- 4.5 —- close to perfect but not quite/
4.5-4- good but not close to perfect
4-3.5 — reasonable for ticket – room for improvement
3.5 – 3 – still reasonable, might be attracted by two – three things on the cultivar ..
3- 2.5 – needs work work work – (Rihanna voice)
2.5 – 2 – 1 — needs to be revamped or probably should be cut off
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