CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Cultivar Review: Zashimi by Laughing Gas x Zeki Genetics

#Zashimi by @laughinggas x @zekigenetics x @madflavors_world

Lineage/Genetics – Zkittles x Mochi

Original Breeder/Grower: Laughing Gas x Zeki Genetics x Mad Flavors

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Zashimi Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
@laughinggas is a brand created by @madflavors_world. I’ve seen few stoners post about them and their Mylar caught my eye 👁. Zashimi derived from the gelato family (Mochi)x Zkittles . The palate consist of confetti sweet pungent cookie dough, I can taste the Mochi and the hints of citrus of the Zkittles . The scent is strong diesel fuel blend with earthy and tropical fruit aromas.

The bag has a small opening for the nugs. Its one of the main cons of this cultivar/brand . I feel they spend to much time on the design instead of adding a bigger pocket for the mylar. The nugs arrived medium size, trichome out buds combine with joker purple hues, hulk green flower, wolverine yellow orange color pistils & stigmas. The effects are a low medium cerebral high. The high can last 1.5 and on and off for the remaining half hour to complete it for 2 hours.

The ashes burned dirty. I seen more white ash in the beginning of the joint, then ends up dirty(salt & pepper). The inhale is smooth and exhale a bit harsh, chest locker. I witness myself smoking more when the potency of the high starts decreasing. Overall I feel they can work on this flower. It taste good 👍🏽 looks good but the 💨 & high is not hitting. I feel it’s just another gelato creation with a unique Mylar that has a difficult opening. Zashimi with more developments can smack, this time around will get a 3.8/5

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