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Dab Review: Banana Cake Rosin by No Label Cannabis

Banana Cake

Lineage/Genetics: (Wedding Cake x Banana OG)

Original Breeder: In House Genetics

Grower/Processor: No Label Cannabis

Banana Cake Rosin Review

Grown and Processed by @nolabelcannabis
This heavy hitter is an indica lovers delight, with gassy undertones that turn into gassy overtones quickly, the fruity banana tropical flavor still represents for sure but this gal is dank. Smooth and creamy and clean, @nolabelcannabis simply just kills it in the single source hash game. I’ve never been disappointed by anything I’ve snagged of theirs. But, this one is special. Not just a heavy hitter, but quit the looker too. Medical effects are great for pain, taking my leg spasms from having blood clots and nerve damage away instantly. Don’t miss this one if you come across her, or anything by the good folks at @nolabelcannabis.
Purchased from THE Dab Cab @tegridyokcrx3.0

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