
Dab Review: Banana Sundae Live Budder by Echo Electuary

This Echo Electuary Banana Sundae (Banana OG x Sundae Driver) live budder has a loud stinky gassy banana smell with hints of cream ⛽🍌🍧😋 It also has an almost leafy smell to it, like lettuce or like an unripe banana as someone mentioned to me. It’s pretty unique 👌🏼

Lineage/Genetics: Banana OG x Sundae Driver

Grower/Processor: Echo Electuary

Delivered By: The Potland

Banana Sundae Live Budder Review

The color and texture of the budder are amazing, no surprises there.

The flavor really was like an unripe banana but also gassy and earthy with notes of cream 😋 It’s definitely a unique profile and I enjoyed it quite a bit. The high was very stoney in my head and also very full body for me 🤗 Great meds for my needs 👍🏼 Really glad I decided to grab two of this one 🔥🔥🔥

Made 9/17/21

Tested 10/5/21 SC Labs

Honest Reviews 🕵️

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Hi! My name is Ryan and I do honest product reviews for the Oregon cannabis industry under the brand The Sophisticated Dabber. I've doing doing product reviews in Oregon for the last few years now and I have been a cannabis consumer/patient in Oregon for almost 19 years. I run a blog on IG @thesophisticateddabber and also make dab tools with hand turned wooden handles @sophisticateddabtools . Hope you enjoy my reviews!

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The Sophisticated Dabber

Hi! My name is Ryan and I do honest product reviews for the Oregon cannabis industry under the brand The Sophisticated Dabber. I've doing doing product reviews in Oregon for the last few years now and I have been a cannabis consumer/patient in Oregon for almost 19 years. I run a blog on IG @thesophisticateddabber and also make dab tools with hand turned wooden handles @sophisticateddabtools . Hope you enjoy my reviews!

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