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Dab Review: Grease Bucket Rosin by West Coast Alchemy

West Coast Alchemy – Grease Bucket

Lineage/Genetics: GMO x Banana Punch #9

Original Breeder: Symbiotic Genetics

Grower: Pure Melt

Processor: West Coast Alchemy

Grease Bucket Dab Review

grease bucket rosin by west coast alchemy dab review by nc rosin reviews

Happy Terp Thursday to everybody out there 😃 I Have something super juicy to review and talk about today. WCA is back at the table again with some fireee 🔥 If your not familiar with WCA then you should definitely snag something of theirs to try – collabs are where it’s at! This jar in particular is a Pure Melt collaboration and boy did they hit it out of the park! Research tells me that PM was established in 2014 and they have a very active IG page. I couldn’t find much information except that PM was the grower for the flower for this Rosin. The actual Strain Grease Bucket was created by the one and only Symbiotic Genetics🤎 Will keep my eye out for more Pure Melt collabs in the future 😎

Grease Bucket is one of those jars I had my eye on for awhile and finally got to try it (same with the Champaya). This is a cross of GMO x Banana Punch #9. Two super heady strains that definitely slap hard. The smell on this jar is exotic as they come with super fruity notes followed by a little gas smell. The fruitiness is almost overpowering when you smell up close. This jar is just straight up LOUDDDD! Dabs of this stuff always make me cough lol. This stuff taste similar to the smell but is toned down a little bit with a hashy funk to it. I really enjoy this jar because it’s so favorful!

Grease Bucket is for sure one I would pick up again no questions asked. Does it deserve the Fire Rosin Alert? It’s definitely fire and is going to get an amazing score of 8.55559 but it doesn’t quite hit the bar for the Fire Alert! I’ve almost crushed this jar and will be saving the little I have until I find another jar.

What’s your favorite WCA??

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grease bucket rosin by west coast alchemy dab review by nc rosin reviews

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