Cannabis InfusedEdiblesHempKentuckyReviews

Edible Review: Belgium Dark Chocolate by Hemp Mellow

I am an everyday cannabis smoker.. probably smoking 5-6 times a day or more.

Brand: Hemp Mellow

Hemp Mellow Belgium Dark Chocolate Review

dark belgium chocolate by hemp mellow edible review by letmeseewhatusmokin 2

Sometimes it catches up to you.. wake up feeling stuffy or coughing a lung out .. @hempmellow send me a #belgiumdarkchocolate 80 mg cannabinoids, #hemp infused #chocolate to help me get a nice high without smoking. The chocolate taste is bitter since it’s dark chocolate, but the high is perfect for a nice wake n bake without smoking. I felt my body still getting similar effects to the wake n bake feeling.

I felt a nice body high, low level cerebral high. The cannabinoids is derived from hemp extract also consist of 0.3 percent of delta 9 thc. I started with the whole chocolate even though it advice to start with half. I have a high tolerance and wanted to feel the rapid effects. I felt the high about 15 min after I consumed the bite size chocolate. The duration of the high on and off high for like 1.5 hours mix of body & cerebral high. I’m not a big edibles fan prefer the flowers. Hemp mellow made me change my mind about edibles.

Some edibles are made by amateurs, this is made by professionals in Kentucky. The chocolate is made to give you a nice buzz, the chocolate effects rapidly goes to the blood stream and give you that nice effect . I recommend this if you’re trying to get a tolerance break or wake n bake in a different way.. get @hempmellow .. find your mellow high , just right for you .. stay tuned for more reviews on #hempmellow products ..
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