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Hash Review: Cream Pie Rosin by Laughing Shaman

Cream Pie @laughingshaman
Via @mackandterpz

Blend: Grease Bucket11 + Grape Pie OG

Processor: Laughing Shaman

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Cream Pie Rosin Review

(Photo Reels on 1 & 2- the reels distort the photo quality my apologies)

cream pie rosin by laughing shaman hash review by cali_bud_reviews

The Rosin starts golden tan with white-beige undertones from the speckles & creamy swirls suspended in it, it develops a creamy white tone in the whip & in the finale. It has excellent consistency, it’s juicy, wet, & terpy, but also thick, creamy, squishy, and whips into a perfect velvety frosting consistency and settles into a goopy melt. The nose is decently loud & leads with an earthy gassy kush & hints of garlic cookie funk, with a pine-menthol undertone to it, it then has a strong presence of sweetNcreamy banana as a primary overtone that’s heavy with greasy funk terps. The grape dank terps are faint but its funky garlic doughy backside multiplies into the creamy grease, funk, & herbal-kush. The dab is righteous, it leads with the classic grease bucket terps on the mouth & inhale, semi-funky with gassy garlic, herbal spices, and soaked in greasy chicken-shaq terps, but it’s wrapped up in a ripe/sweet banana terp that also has a a little bit of a creamy vanilla milkshake delivery to it, the grape pie terps are stronger in Vapor than they were the nose with the sweet/funky/doughy cranberry-grape dankness clear on the mouth, & heavy in the exhale. The rosin burned down to a bright glowing gold puddle with a really clean melt after 1:30 on the 3dxl at 484*, amazing flavor with nice gassy pressure, & it was pretty smooth for the most part. The sesh did finalize a little quicker then expected but the burn was reighteously clean. The effects are toasty, calming, relaxing, with a nice cloudy bake behind the eyes. It’s not sleepy at all but it’s stoney, w/ a medium strength body buzz & some slight mental focus behind the bake. Effects lasted 2.5 hours with medium strength.

Overall: 9.49/10
Fire, to be noted it’s Grease bucket dominate

cream pie rosin by laughing shaman hash review by cali_bud_reviews

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