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Hash Review: Payton’s Pie Rosin by The Firm x West Coast Alchemy

Payton’s Pie

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: The Firm

Processor: West Coast Alchemy

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Payton’s Pie Rosin Review

payton's pie rosin by the firm x west coast alchemy hash review by dcent_treeviews

👅 terps on this are very sweet, cookie and gassy. The nose is more like a sweet cookie dough gas that’s reminiscent of gassy vanilla and cinnamon. The flavor is sweeter than the nose, and it accentuates more of a sweet cream vibe that instantly reminds me of sherb/gelato genetics.
🥊the power on this one is wild. I almost got dizzy the first time I smoked this because of how fast and hard it hit me. I legit had to sit down to collect myself (I dab at a standing desk). The hit is very relaxing, euphoric, and creative. I get lost in my thoughts or music in a good way, and I feel my stress tension and anxiety melting away. Shoulders relax, posture fixes itself, and I find myself smiling and being in a positive mood.
🔥🔥🔥 I don’t usually grab more than 2 jars of one flavor but this is my 3rd jar and I’m even willing to trade my unopened toad venom jar for a 4th lol. I’m sure there’s a lot of my personal preference factoring in, but I’m close to naming this as my favorite rosin I’ve tried so far.

payton's pie rosin by the firm x west coast alchemy hash review by dcent_treeviews 2

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