RS11 Showdown – Preferred Gardens vs King Sour Wavez
RS11 by @preferred_gardens Vs RS11 by @kingsourwavez
Lineage/Genetics: OZK Guava v2 (Pink Guava x OZ Kush) x Black Sherblato (Sunset Sherbert Bx1)
Original Breeder: Deep East
Hunted by: Wizard Trees x Doja Exclusive
Growers: Preferred Gardens vs King Sour Wavez
Terpene Profiles: Unknown

Preferred Gardens vs King Sour Wavez Rs11 Showdown
@fountain_of_love7 x @448drako x @bakedboyz__ . RS11 bred by @deofarms is the classic combo of the tasty Pink Guava and OZK. The RS 11 is like the New Gelato/Runtz of this generation. It’s highly loved and imitated and can be found in many places now. Before it was rare to get an invite only RS11 bag , now we get the chance to try it from different cultivators and other methods of cultivation, on the world known RS11. I had the chance to review both @preferred_gardens & @kingsourwavez version of the RS11. The structure on the preferred garden nugs were a bit more dense and buds were bigger and resembled more the RS11 . The sour wave Rs 11 structure were smaller nugs but much fresher on the grind .The palate on the king sour waves RS11, earthy & sweet, more pink guava dominant smooth on the inhale and exhale . It had a clean smoke 💨 on the inhale, more salt than pepper ash. The palate on the #preferredgardens is similar taste, harsher on the inhale but stronger on the effects. It had more ozk on the punch. The scents on both were similar fruity floral, fuel aromas. The preferred gardens RS11 had a stronger aroma while smoking. The sourwaves RS11 put me to sleep to the point I faded out, the tv watching me, wife had to put the blanket over type of high. The Preferred Gardens RS11 is more on the active side and follows up with a pleasant relaxing body high. The both flowers produce effects than can last 2 hours. I smoked the sourwaves on @vibespapers and @elementspapers regular paper. I smoked the preferred gardens in the pink @elementspapers. Overall they both have great effects. The appeal on preferred Gardens looks better, the scent on the sourwaves hit better on the grind. They both have similar palates. In conclusion, they both are winners. DRAW… 4/5 – RS11 — . . . . . #weedreview #notforsale #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #highsociety #stonerlifestyle #stonersociety #weedsmokers #smokingweed #cannabislove #cannabisconnoisseurscoalition #cannabislifestyle #cannabisconnoisseurconnection #420culture #cannabisgrow #cannabiscures #cannabisreviews #weedreviews
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