Sherbanger Preroll by Heady Heads x King Sour Wavez
@headyheads x @sourwavez x @kingsourwavezgenetics
Lineage – Sherbanger ( Sunset Sherb x Headbanger)
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: King Sour Wavez x Heady Heads
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Sherbanger Preroll Review
@headyheads x @sourwavez collab for this intense 3.5 hand rolled Sherbanger Prerolls. It’s probably the fastest way I’ve ever smoked an eighth. The highlight is the wooden filter with 7 holes. The smoke experience is an exclusive one from the start to the roach. Shoutout to the roller for the finesse in the art of professional rolling. The Sherbanger from @kingsourwavezgenetics is always magic after the spark. The palate is consume with sherb and effects of the headbanger. I smelled the fuel, fruity candy aroma as I opened the unique exclusive canister preroll holder with a pre lock . It holds 3 prerolls – 3.5g joints about 10.5g all together. The effect is heavy intense cerebral especially after going one on one . It took me about less than half an hour to smoke the whole preroll. The ashes burn probably 90/10 more salt than pepper. The inhale and exhale were both smooth and enjoyable smoke . I recommend this after dinner to digest and enjoy the caryophyllene & limonene terpenes on this masterpiece of a preroll. One of the most intriguing things I seen on this preroll’s canister is the instructions on how to light it, store it, makes it more credible product. Overall @headyheads x @sourwavez Sherbanger prerolls are a great way to enjoy it with friends or be like me and face it. The buzz starts around 5-6 pulls in, overall high about 2-3 hours possible more. I really liked the concept and preroll and recommend this to anyone that enjoy a great roll with no hash, only elite flower to relax the mind . 5/5 — shoutout to @kingsourwavezgenetics
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