Strain Review: 2017 Guava by Doja Exclusive
2017 guava by Doja Gelato pheno
Lineage/Genetics: Candy Gelato pheno
Breeder: Doja Exclusive
Grower: Doja Exclusive
Terpene Profile: Unknown

2017 Guava Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
This is another one of those that I had no idea what to expect going in to it… never smoked guava before (that I know of) and haven’t seen Doja run guava since they were selling 8ths in cans. Didn’t even know the genetics. Once I saw it was a candy gelato pheno I knew it would be something I’d at least want to try. Never been let down by Doja before tho so let’s see if the trip back to 2017 was worth it or not! Smell: 9.5/10 the biggest smile ran across my face as soon as I cracked the bag… super strong burnt citrus terps. Very tropical vibe. Totally unbelievable how much flavor these buds hold. Whoever grew this for Doja knew what the fuck they were doing that’s for sure. Bag appeal: 9.3/10 very very dense medium sized round nuggets with super vibrant colors. Trimmed to perfection. Bright greens covered in big rain drop like trichomes. Very bright orange hairs cover the bud with little patches of purple. Very very sticky bud when u start breaking it up. That is if you can break it up haha. The buds were super fresh but hard as a rock because of how dense they were. Every bud was gorgeous and I was super super impressed. Smoke: 9.5/10 I could not stop smoking this stuff. Literally tasted like I was hitting a dab pen. Very tropical fruity taste. Very very strong high. Makes everything feel like a cartoon. Made me feel like I was in high school again how high I was. Made me go from a shitty anxious mood to no anxiety at all. Been having mild panic attacks lately and it completely took the one I was having away. So weird haven’t had them in years but all a sudden having them all the time. I’ve had stages in my life were they were totally debilitating. Only way to stop it was an Ativan or some other pill. Thank god for weed like this I don’t have to worry about that. As strong as the bud was tho my mind was totally clear. Helped me stay really focused on the task I was doing. Had me totally zoned in thinkin of nothing but what I was doing. Next thing I knew I looked up and it was two hours later. Very good body high too. Really feel it in forehead and eyes and really relaxes the body and takes away aches and pains. Burnt amazing with thick resin rings and white ash. This stuff blew me away! Overall: 9.5/10 I AM SO GLAD I TRIED THIS! I had no idea how much I liked the guava terp profile! For sure one of my favorites. And of course Dojas growers pushed it as far as it could go and brought 2018 to 2022. Couldn’t be happier they brought this one back. Can’t wait to try guava from other brands now. More importantly that’s another one off the list for Doja. Every single strain I’ve tried from them I’ve absolutely loved. My top 10 is primarily Doja haha. They just do it different and no one is even close. Their buds have a totally different look, have way more flavor and get you way higher for way longer! Oh! And they have the best most exclusive genetics! No one is doing it like Doja rn!Check out more reviews by @onlypressure93 on Instagram! (