CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Cookie Kush by Fig Farms

🐾πŸͺπŸ‚ Cookie Kush : Animal Cookies x Kush Mints 11
@fig.farms @fig.farmer @lady__fig @916candleslit @pager.payphone

Lineage/Genetics: Animal Cookies x Kush Mints 11

Original Breeder: Seed Junky Genetics

Grower: Fig Farms

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Cookie Kush Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Enjoyed this one a ton, @916candleslit brought this out the vault ! Cracked the jar open you get this nice tart but sweetish earthy kush cookie nose . Got the structure of Animal cookies all the way, greenish tone from the KM . The airflow of the joint was somewhat similar to a more KM Cookie . The kush mint has a gassy sweet backend . The KM only gets noticeable when you’re smokin it. The first initial inhale is reaaal strong real heavy , exhale was that identical power of the KM that I’m use to . Identical taste of the KM from @santacruzroots so I was really impressed 😀 super heavy high . Definitely a heavy hitter @fig.farms has on their menu . Have a few more of their reviews tucked! It’s a new year but I have some catching up to do 😭

cookie kush by fig farms strain review by thecannaisseurking

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Sac πŸ“, H.R. πŸ’ , Collector πŸ‘½, Reviewer πŸ’―
Exotic Ashtray ♨️
Tried to go back but this sh*ts too tasty 🍬

flower mill ad - X grind, yes mill


Sac πŸ“, H.R. πŸ’ , Collector πŸ‘½, Reviewer πŸ’― Exotic Ashtray ♨️ Tried to go back but this sh*ts too tasty 🍬

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