Strain Review: Cookies and Cream by Revolution Cannabis
Cookies and Cream are a beloved union because the flavors and textures complement one another. The same is true for this strain from @revcanna. ⠀
Lineage/Genetics: Mystery Cookies x Starfighter F2
Original Breeder: Exotic Genetix
Grower: Revolution Cannabis

Cookies and Cream Strain Review
Similar to Blueberry Clementine, it’s the strain I want to come home to after a meh day. The balanced nature of the strain relieves sour moods just as well as it eases stress, leaving me chilled out and ready for my evening. ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #cannabiscommunity #illinoiscannabiscommunity #chicagocannabis #chicagocannabiscommunity #ilmmj #topshelflife #cannabisphotography #weedphotography #womenofcannabis #womeninweed #nugshot #nuglife #weshouldsmoke #dispensarylife #highsociety #classycannabis #poshpot #upinsmoke #fueledbythc #hybridstrain #cookiesandcream #revcanna #budtenderlife #budtendernation #cannabiscreative #cannabiscreatives #rollwithus #budlove #instaweed #girlscoutcookiesCheck out more reviews by @upinsmokesession on Instagram! (
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