Strain Review: Dirty Zprite by Powerline
After my last review series the guys at @powerlineusa_ reached out about doing some reviews for them. So let’s get right into it, under the microscope today we have Dirty Zprite from @powerlineusa_
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Powerline
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Dirty Zprite Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
When opening the bag the frosty forest green and purple buds give off a mild powdered sugar and citrus almost similar to a lemon danish.
On the grind this becomes more pronounced and an added astringency comes out as well, not quite gas bit more like witch hazel, mixed with that chalky, sweet, powdered lemon.
The Nose does translate to the taste but based on the aroma I had hoped the taste would be a bit more bold. However that being said the flavors that come through on inhale are floral, soapy, citrus notes that although they are low key they are quite pleasant, with a general desert like sweetness on exhale.
The effects are perfect for daytime, in moderate doses it’s got an amazing uplifting energetic effect lending to it a motivated focused headspace, and in higher doses it still retains the energy but the focused effect shifts to a more spaced out effect. Great for getting lost in a movie or staring in the fridge for 10mins thinking about nothing (I legit did this lol)
The Joint burned nice and smooth, no harshness in the throat with a nice light ash.
Overall I really enjoyed this sample, i need strains that help get me out of my own way and this way perfect for that.. If you find this at a ticket your comfortable with I highly recommend scooping some to try. Stay Medicated 🤙
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