FlowerHybridsMarijuanaOregonReviewsSativa DominantStrains

Strain Review: Girl Scout Haze by ReLeaf Health Cannabis

So I went on a long, aimless walk to clear my head 2 or 3 weeks ago. As it tends to work out, that long walk wound me up at a dispensary. If I’m making a trip of it, @rhcanna is a go-to for me. I don’t feel like I give them the attention they deserve. For like 54 bucks plus a tip for the fantastic budtender (I forgot his name, but he was chill as fuck) I wound up with 8 grams of some pretty solid bud and a couple lighters. Not bad at all.

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: ReLeaf Health Cannabis

Dispensary: ReLeaf Health Cannabis

Girl Scout Haze Strain Review

I grabbed two 4g “eighths” from them; one day time, one night time. I believe both of them were from @go_shango, but the day time strain, Girl Scout Haze, was my favorite of the two. It has this super pleasant fruity smell that I really dig. Musty stone fruit is the biggest note I get. Definitely peaches and cream in there, maybe a little apricot if I really look for it.

I use the word “pleasant” a lot, but sometimes it’s the best term for the way good weed makes you feel. The high on this stuff was exactly that. It has that almost undefinable “bright” quality that makes it great for smoking outside in the sun. Relaxing sativa high with an anxiety crushing euphoria to it.

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