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Cultivar Review: Grapefruit Chem by Piff Coast Farms x Piffanomics

#grapefruitchem by @piffcoastfarms x @piffanomics x @piffsuprem3 x @pastor_piff x @sirpiffalot__

Bred By – Tradewind Seed Company @tradewindseedcompany

Lineage/Genetics – Sweet Pink Grapefruit x Chem 91

Grown by – Piff Coast Farms x Piffanomics

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Grapefruit Chem Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

@piffcoastfarms x @piffanomics version of the G-chem has one of the most unique scent.
The scent is a strong citrus grapefruit aroma . Followed by musky earthy, herbal controlled by chem dog fuel ⛽️ odor . It had the best fragrance aroma from any flower from the @newyorkstategc seed swap event(respectively). The structure of the nugs resembles the beauty of chem dog. The palate is a skunk grapefruit dominant, earthy flavors. Imagine chemdog 91’s strength with the addition of the one in a million grapefruit aroma and flavor. The effects are medium low cerebral high, active not a couch locker, but a chest locker. The high had me feeling creative and in mood of appetite as well. G- Chem smoke experience was pleasant indoors. Outside it doesn’t burned as good, though the ashes hit more salt than pepper at first and started getting dirty to end the sesh. The inhale is smooth, not harsh and terpy caryophyllene, limone terpenes. The origins of the G-Chem comes from an accidental pollination, resulting in a masterpiece of fragrance and cultivar. The high can last 2 hours. I started feeling the buzz, 5-6 pulls in. Overall the highlight is the smell, the appeal and effects & taste are additions to flavorful sweet Chemdog.. G-Chem – 4.5/5 .. shoutout to @burlandoelsystema for putting me on to this 💎.

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One thought on “Cultivar Review: Grapefruit Chem by Piff Coast Farms x Piffanomics

  • Thanks for such a descriptive review, that was awesome!! So many strains I look up, there is ZERO information on the web until I see you made a post about said strain. You have some good taste my friend! Can’t wait to see what’s coming next, you’re doing great work!!
    Growers Love from Michigan 💚🌱💚
    Brent G. aka Biscuits


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