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Strain Review: Guava Taffy by Rose Gardens

Guava Taffy

Lineage – (Tropicana Cookies x Cookies & Cream x Runtz )

The Brand/Grower – Rose Gardens @rosegardensca

The Breeder – Mendoja Farms @mendojafarms

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Guava Taffy Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review


guava taffy by rose gardens strain review by fear.the.terps 3.jpg

The Visual Appeal –
The Cannabis era in 2022 is all about presentation . Guava Taffy comes in a Uv Jar . Flowers is engrave in background and guava slice open with a gorgeous holographic colors like looking at a rainbow after it rained .

The Appearance –
The Guava Taffy flowers appearance is bright green cover in tons of tons THC cover in amber color hairs . The fan leafs are olive green on some nugs and little purple on some fan leafs but you can barely see it because he did a great job on the trim you can barely see the purple on the Gorgeous flower . The biggest nugs more purple fan leafs . But still a great job at the trimming .

The flower was dense & soft . Still fresh and have a slightly resin content. It’s feels soft on outside but when breaking it open it’s sticky still fresh because when I squeeze the flower it still soft . It not super fresh as the Tahiti Lime when I break down the flower doesn’t turns into little balls . So I know it at it full potential. The stem did snap definitely cure right . This was probably cure for a 1 month & half .This one had the least resin content out of the 3 .

The Aroma –
The Guava Taffy aroma is a tangy tropical fruit nose stuffed with guava, passionfruit aroma . In collaboration with @mendojafarms Definitely something special with a passionfruit and mangosteen or mango 🥭 and a sweet, saltwater taffy like backend

The Flavor –
Guava Taffy flavor does match the aroma. It’s taste better than it smells . Taste like drinking some sweet guava and a saltwater taffy on the backend .I always wanted to try out


The Smoke Expansion – Lung Expansion Guava Taffy smoke expansion was mild not like other strains I smoke previously .Definitely got a less intense lung expansion on her . She was hitting with a lot of flavor definitely one of most unique flavor I had this year .

The Smoke Ability – Harsh to Smooth
Guava Taffy isn’t harsh . Making this a good smoking experiences . She very smooth & flavorful

The ash resin ring –
The ash is grey more than white . I did not have to relight the spliff throughout the this session. Soil grown nice resin ring

The Effects – Dosage Rate mild
Guava Taffy effects is really medicinal I really felt it throughout the session head rush more for the wake and bake giving me an uplifting high than a couch lock high . Mostly definitely can smoke this one all day long !

The Flavor – @mendojafarms so I was excited to try his collaboration with @rosegardenca . He told me @Mendojafarms give him this selection cut to grow .

@Mendojafarms definitely found and selected this unique flavor profile I never had something taste like a salt water taffy before so that’s was amazing. I like trying new flavors. And definitely like the taste . Taste like a guava taffy just like the name . Kinda got a mango or mangosteen taste like @rosegardensca said .

guava taffy by rose gardens strain review by fear.the.terps

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