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Strain Review: Loganberry by Gramercy TYC

#loganberry @gramercy.tyc @backpackboyz.losangeles @k0rteezie @japoreann @theeebabyjam @marz2damoon @niaa_m @antimidsclub_ @thethcspot @thefirescale @thehighestcritic @zerofuxthecannabisconnoisseur

Lineage/Genetics🧬: Kushberry x Lemon Cherry Gelato

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Gramercy TYC

Brand: Backpack Boyz

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Loganberry Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

loganberry by gramercy tyc strain review by phenoreviews 2

Pckg: 11/23/22
THC: 35.789% CBD: 0.270%
Had the pleasure of picking this one up while it was still super fresh so a happy camper from the start.
The taste on inhale was a burst of both candy terps and slight fruit terps with undertones of subtle gassy goodness; pockets of fuely sweetness and slight sour fruit notes. Good pressure😤😤, very smooth and clean 💨💨. the taste on exhale was a continuation of the inhale but interchanging of the subtle sour sweet with gassy kick, full and complex LCG experience on taste.
The head high was moderate, slight heavy eyes and head change immediate; good euphoria with average Stoney vibes, some focus with no haze or couch lock whatsoever. Anti depressant, joyous/happy and slight tranquil/calming cerebral effects present.
The body high was low to moderate, the strength though was still very complimentary to the head high; anti anxiety, calming and tranquil effects to body and long lasting.
Taste: 9.25-9.5 High: 9.25
Overall: A1 🔥🔥💨💨
This was a good pick up but not a great one…..definitely room for improvement in both taste and high performance. This slightly more dialed in would easily get an A1+ and definitely a real top shelf strain.

#loganberry #gramercy #backpackboyz #5points #antimidsclub #amcorgohome #topshelf #wedontsmokethesame #smokebetter #smokesmarter #qualityoverquantity #thefloracle #fresherpressure #pickiestofthestickiest #treatyourselfdontcheatyourself

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