Strain Review: Mendo Breath by Malibu Gold
Up next us @officialmalibugold with some #mendobreath
Picked up from @fromtheearthofficial (PH)
Lineage/Genetics: OG Kush Breath (OGKB) x Mendo Montage
Original Breeder: Gage Green Genetics
Grower: Malibu Gold
Dispensary: From the Earth
-Canu Review-
Smell: Like a salami curing in a pizza place.
Taste: musk, grease, Kush
Bag Appeal: 8-10
Trim Job: 9-10
Humidity: 10-10
Burn: 10-10 (white)
Potency: 10-10 (smacs)
Overall: 9-10
Buy again: yes, this mendo breath smacs. Almost knocked me out cold. Mendo breath is one of my favorites from 2016-17 and when I saw it I had to have it. Just wish they’d tone down the packaging 🤙🏻💣
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Malibu Gold Mendo Breath Strain Review

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