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Strain Review: Oil Spill by B-Eazy Buds

Oil Spill
Courtesy of @b_eazybuds3.0

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: B-Eazy Buds

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Oil Spill Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

When they reached out about doing a cpl reviews for their brand I was stoked to say the least. It’s always dope when brands value the input of consumers and he absolutely wants real inputI assure you. So here it is my thoughts on Oil Spill from @b_eazybuds3.0

This appearance of these buds were better than I expected, after having to get them to me I anticipated a smashed collection of nugs but they were still full and retained their density.

The nose when cracking the bag is a mildly astringent gelato profile bit with a bit of what I’d call a savory undertone. After grinding the complexities come through a bit more bringing forward notes of umami, mild citrus and fruit and oddly enough a chalky/creamy almost pixie stick candy aroma followed by that herbaceous savory note.

The taste is heavy on that creamy umami profile on the inhale but to my pleasant surprise there was a lingering grape flavor like big league chew or grape bonkers that sat on my pallet for a bit after each aerated pull.

The effects brought on a quick but pleasantly mellow head change and a noticeable uplift in mood. A peaceful happy calm, with a nice body buzz all still being alert enough to be creative and social. As the joint ended and it set in more it melted into a full body relaxation bit not much mental sedation so it was great for getting some writing done and then zoning out with a movie as the effect creeps heavier

The Ash burned a nice light grey with some peppered spots and definitely leaked a nice oil ring for me.

The nose definitely translates to the taste in the same soft subtle way as the aroma hits you, slowly noticing more and more flavors and they’re many, yet subtle.

As for any criticism the 2 things that come to mind are that it could have been a touch smoother as it was slightly harsh but not enough to make or unpleasant, and I typically prefer sticker flower over the powder dry/Kiefy cure I’ve seen on a lot of flower lately

All in all I’d definitely scoop this again of you see it at a ticket your comfortable with I’d definitely recommend giving it a try.

oil spill by b-eazy buds strain review by chauncey_thecannaseur

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