FlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Pig Whistle by Greenpoint Seeds

🐽 Pig whistle 💛 // sativa dominant

Lineage/Genetics: RHS #14 x Stardawg

Original Breeder: Greenpoint Seeds

Pig Whistle Strain Review

pig whistle by greenpoint seeds strain review by _scarletts_strains_THCA 25.03 %// THC 21.10%

Cerebral high , mentally stimulating, feel good, i feel light yet eased into the couch relaxed. Its a lovely great high. Not a super upbeat high but not couch locked. It was a great morning strain, my appetite was stimulated.

•Nerolidol (8.07mg/g): sedating, calming
•Caryophyllen (5.22mg/g): mood boosting
•Mycrene (4.42mg/g): sedative, euphoria
•Limomene (2.71mg/g): stress relief, mood boosting
•Humulene (2.10mg/g): anti inflammatory, pain relief, muscle relaxer

🌬I tried it in a joint and it wasn’t for me, the high was very subtle tho. In a blunt it was a little more cerebral stimulation, but my favorite way of consuming this strain was though a glass pipe (like most strains)

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