FlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Pink Acai by LIIIT (STIIIZY)

Pink Açaí from Liiit (Stiiizy brand of exotic indoor flowers)

A proprietary hybrid containing unknown genetics. However enough digging seemed to lead to pink panties/sherbet genetics.


Lineage/Genetics: Pink Panties x Unknown

Original Breeder; Unknown

Grower: LIIIT (by STIIIZY)

Pink Acai Strain Review

pink acai by liiit strain review by marklpattonsf 2$40 otd at STIIIZY Union Square grand opening

Excited to try this strain after finding out that it prob consisted of pink panties genetics (maybe my all time fav strain). I didn’t know much abt STIIIZY other than they are THE “corporate “ cannabis co. With the industry backing them and pink panties genetics on an indoor flower I was assuming a proper smoke.

However like much of the top shelf indoor that is being sold today the taste was extremely muted. Probably harvested too early or not rinsed properly. Tasted like someone’s first harvest.

Was it a pink panties strain? Of course. But not a tasty cut. The high was ok. Nothing to write home about. Just meh all around.
I was excited to smoke some dank pink panties and taste that sweet candy rush of terps that that strain brings. But they didn’t bring it.

Like a lot of large cannabis companies STIIIZY is working side by side with big aggro and the entire aggro industry. With this fact I would assume they are using food botanists to grow and garden cannabis. I don’t know how I feel yet about big aggro starting to become so closely involved in the cannabis culture. I guess like a lot right now. We’ll see.

pink acai by liiit strain review by marklpattonsf 3Overall i am disappointed with STIIIZY all around. My store experience(it was like wheel and deal. Nobody knew the right prices)and the “top shelf exotic indoor flower”…was umm…really pretty and that’s all tbh. As much as I like pretty weed and a nice safe modern store, when your employees don’t know what’s going on and your weed tastes like food grade garbage I’m done. I wouldn’t smoke this weed ever again for any reason at any price. Somehow it does normally sell around the $60+tax price point.

It’s too bad their blueburst was ok…

#stiiizynation #liiit #pinkacai #stiiizysf #sfcannabis #bayareacannabis #cannabisreviews #cheapweedca #cannabisdeals

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Check out more reviews by @marklpattonsf on Instagram! (www.instagram.com/marklpattonsf)

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